Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Sin and Punishment in Relation to Satan and Human Being Essays

Sin and Punishment in Relation to Satan and Human Being Essays Sin and Punishment in Relation to Satan and Human Being Essay Sin and Punishment in Relation to Satan and Human Being Essay Man is generally known in both psychological and theoretical aspect is imperfect due to his innate nature. This idea is mainly attributed to the fact that it is stated in the Bible that humanity themselves became imperfect though they are created to be the other way. This is actually because of the event of when the first man and woman committed the first and one of the most unforgivable sins in the whole theoretical history of man. This is the first defiance of the man to God’s will and command in direct association with the two thus together with the fall of the first man and woman is the fall of the whole humanity following them in imperfection. From birth, man has already unconsciously committed sin through inheritance and this sin thus, originally he is already made imperfect. Also from this state, man’s continuous pursuit in life is deeply embedded with many pitfalls and downfalls that from it man, through lack of faith and with imperfect discretion, is bounded to fall one way or another thus resulting him to committing sins. For human philosophy and even with the expression from the bible’s historical events, sin or fault is naturally with direct connotation to the idea of punishment. This punishment principle is like a bargaining deal that states that whatever is loss through fault is punishable with compensatory damages to the one committed it (Newbolt, 2005). Thus, because of humanity’s imperfection, they are more likely to commit sin and be punish for it because of which, they strongly needs divine guidance in their course for purification and atonement for their aim of salvation. Sin and Punishment min Relation to Satan It is embedded in the historical facts of the Bible that the first downfall of humanity through the state of imperfection is through the direct defiance of the first man and woman to the direct command of God. This action resulted to their punishment of stripping off their perfected state and letting them endure the hardship of life for survival and the atonement of their sin. However, in one aspect, this defiance that is explicitly stated in this paper can also be attributed to another intervention causing the enactment of the said serious sin. This is the temptation done by the devil generally called Satan in most religious principles. Satan, is originally and contextual mean accuser, slanderer, liar and an adversary of the truth and all the good things in life (Pagels, 1989; Wikipedia, 2006). His aims and purpose is to cause humanity to commit sin and recruit them to his falsehood together with his condemnation. His main existence is to test the faith of humanity to God and their endurance to stay in the path of righteousness by creating pitfalls for them to stumble on. However, Satan is known to be purposely created by God to be his servant and one of his main servants. According to the Bible, Satan at first was created to be an angel with perfect and beautiful form to aid His biddings and His divine plan for the world and the humanity. However though, Satan the angel has fallen because of his own sin and started the rebellion for him to gain divined powers and superiority because of his aims to be the Supreme Being (Pagels, 1989). Thus, because of his own sin he was punished with condemnation that is equally commensurable to the crime and wickedness he committed in the first place giving him the title of the devil and an enemy of the truth. Just like what he did in his rebellion in heaven, which is his recruitment of allies to his own downfall, he is still doing the same though with different purpose and different targets. Satan the devil’s presence is with the humanity leading them to the same path, which is in just like what he did with t he first man and woman. He is continuously urging humanity to commit sin and punishable errors against God and His righteous Laws and setting up traps and pitfalls for them to prevent them from purifying themselves and atoning for their sins both that of they inherited and committed in their personal lives. Conclusion From the previously stated argument, it is explicitly expressed that the sin and downfall of humanity in imperfection can be directly attributed to the intervention of Satan the Devil himself by shifting to different forms. In addition, since it is explicitly stated in the bible that Satan the Devil himself is residing in the world together with the humanity, his threats and the dangers he post is very evident with humanity’s sin as also attributed by their imperfect discourse. Thus, Satan the Devil can be argue to have a direct connection with humanity as they are residing in the same place because of which, he can directly affect their minds and hearts and lure them to sinful lives and condemnation. Since humanity has already been made imperfect, their defense against Satan the Devil’s lure and threats became apparently weak and they can be easily persuaded to commit sin. However, their faith to God and their adherence to the principles explicitly stated and deeply embedded in the Bible, they can strengthen this defense and resist against Satan’s influences thus achieving forgiveness for their sins and be purified to perfection once again. Bibliography Linthicum, Robert C. City of God, City of Satan. Zondervan. ISBN: 0310531411. April, 1991. Newbolt, W. C. E. The Phenomena of the Punishment of Sin and of Redemption. Kessinger Publishing. ISBN: 1425476627.   December, 2005. Pagels, Elaine. Adam, Eve, and the Serpent. Vintage; Vintage Books Edition. ISBN: 0679722327. September, 1989. Wikipedia. Satan. Wikipedia Foundation, Inc. November, 2006. November 18, 2006.

Monday, March 2, 2020

The Anzick Clovis Burial Site in Montana

The Anzick Clovis Burial Site in Montana The Anzick site is a human burial which occurred approximately 13,000 years ago, part of the late Clovis culture, Paleoindian hunter-gatherers who were among the earliest colonizers of the western hemisphere. The burial in Montana was of a two-year-old boy, buried beneath an entire Clovis period stone tool kit, from rough cores to finished projectile points. DNA analysis of a fragment of the boys bones revealed that he was closely related to Native American people of Central and South America, rather than those of the Canadian and Arctic, supporting the multiple waves theory of colonization. Evidence and Background The Anzick site, sometimes called the Wilsall-Arthur site and designated as Smithsonian 24PA506, is a human burial site dated to the Clovis period, ~10,680 RCYBP. Anzick is located in a sandstone outcrop on Flathead Creek, approximately one mile (1.6 kilometers) south of the town of Wilsall in southwestern Montana in the northwestern United States. Buried deep beneath a talus deposit, the site was likely part of an ancient collapsed rock shelter. Overlying deposits contained a profusion of bison bones, possibly representing a buffalo jump, where animals were stampeded off a cliff and then butchered. The Anzick burial was discovered in 1969 by two construction workers, who collected human remains from two individuals and approximately 90 stone tools, including eight complete fluted Clovis projectile points, 70 large bifaces and at least six complete and partial atlatl foreshafts made from mammal bones. The finders reported that all of the objects were coated in a thick layer of red ocher, a common burial practice for Clovis and other Pleistocene hunter-gatherers. DNA Studies In 2014, a DNA study of the human remains from Anzick was reported in Nature (see Rasmussen et al.). Bone fragments from the Clovis period burial were subjected to DNA analysis, and the results found that the Anzick child was a boy, and he (and thus Clovis people in general) is closely related to Native American groups from Central and South America, but not to later migrations of Canadian and Arctic groups. Archaeologists have long argued that the Americas were colonized in several waves of populations crossing the Bering Strait from Asia, the most recent being that of the Arctic and Canadian groups; this study supports that. The research (to an extent) contradicts the Solutrean hypothesis, a suggestion that Clovis derives from Upper Paleolithic European migrations into the Americas. No connection to European Upper Paleolithic genetics was identified within the Anzick childs remains, and so the research lends strong support for the Asian origin of the American colonization. One remarkable aspect of the 2014 Anzick study is the direct participation and support of several local Native American tribes in the research, a purposeful choice made by lead researcher Eske Willerslev, and a marked difference in approach and results from the Kennewick Man studies of nearly 20 years ago. Features at Anzick Excavations and interviews with the original finders in 1999 revealed that the bifaces and projectile points had been stacked tightly within a small pit measuring 3x3 feet (.9x.9 meters)  and buried between about 8 ft (2.4 m) of the talus slope. Beneath the stone tools was the burial of an infant aged 1-2 years of age and represented by 28 cranial fragments, the left clavicle and three ribs, all stained with red ochre. The human remains were dated by AMS radiocarbon dating to 10,800 RCYBP, calibrated to 12,894 calendar years ago (cal BP). A second set of human remains, consisting of the bleached, partial cranium of a  6-8-year-old child, were also found by the original discoverers: this cranium among all the other objects was not stained by red ochre. Radiocarbon dates on this cranium revealed that the older child was from the American Archaic, 8600 RCYBP, and scholars believe it was from an intrusive burial unrelated to the Clovis burial. Two complete and several partial bone implements made from the long bones of an unidentified mammal were recovered from Anzick, representing between four and six complete tools. The tools have similar maximum widths (15.5-20 millimeters, .6-.8 inches) and thicknesses (11.1-14.6 mm, .4-.6 in), and each has a beveled end within the range of 9-18 degrees. The two measurable lengths are 227 and 280 mm (9.9 and 11 in). The beveled ends are cross-hatched and smeared with a black resin, perhaps a hafting agent or glue, a typical decorative/construction method for bone tools used as atlatl or spear foreshafts. Lithic Technology The assemblage of stone tools recovered from the Anzick (Wilke et al) by the original finders and the subsequent excavations included ~112 (sources vary) stone tools, including large bifacial flake cores, smaller bifaces, Clovis point blanks and preforms, and polished and beveled cylindrical bone tools. The collection at Anzick includes all reduction stages of Clovis technology, from large cores of prepared stone tools to finished Clovis points, making Anzick unique. The assemblage represents a diverse collection of high quality, (probably un-heat-treated) microcrystalline chert used to make the tools, predominantly chalcedony (66%), but lesser amounts of moss agate (32%), phosporia chert and porcellanite. The largest point in the collection is 15.3 centimeters (6 inches) long and some of the preforms measure between 20-22 cm (7.8-8.6 in), quite long for Clovis points, although most are more typically sized. The majority of stone tools fragments exhibit use wear, abrasions or edge damage which must have occurred during use, suggesting this was definitely a working toolkit, and not simply artifacts made for the burial. See Jones for detailed lithic analysis. Archaeology Anzick was accidentally discovered by construction workers in 1968  and professionally excavated by Dee C. Taylor (then at the University of Montana) in 1968, and in 1971 by Larry Lahren (Montana State) and Robson Bonnichsen (University of Alberta), and by Lahren again in 1999. Sources Beck C, and Jones GT. 2010. Clovis and Western Stemmed: Population Migration and the Meeting of Two Technologies in the Intermountain West. American Antiquity 75(1):81-116.Jones JS. 1996. The Anzick Site: Analysis of a Clovis Burial Assemblage. Corvallis: Oregon State University.Owsley DW, and Hunt DR. 2001. Clovis and Early Archaic Period Crania from the Anzick Site (24PA506), Park County, Montana. Plains Anthropologist 46(176):115-124.Rasmussen M, Anzick SL, Waters MR, Skoglund P, DeGiorgio M, Stafford Jr TW, Rasmussen S, Moltke I, Albrechtsen A, Doyle SM et al. 2014. The genome of a Late Pleistocene human from a Clovis burial site in western Montana. Nature 506:225-229.Stafford TWJ. 1994. Accelerator C-14 dating of human fossil skeletons: Assessing accuracy and results on New World specimens. In: Bonnichsen R, and Steele DG, editors. Method and Theory for Investigating the Peopling of the Americas. Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State University. p 45-55.Wilke PJ, Flenniken JJ, and Ozb un TL. 1991. Clovis Technology at the Anzick Site, Montana. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 13(2):242-272.